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P-DTR Foundation Course Highlights Module 1 Part 6

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This video doesn’t replace life modules and doesn’t count for certification.

  • Impact Paleos
  • Intro to Inhibition Patterns
  • Neo Paleo Dysfunctions

Different inhibition patterns can be seen for all nocioceptors depending on which level of the brain or spinal cord the afferent signal is blocked at. Learn the classic presentation of NWR and PMRF inhibition patterns as well as the graded progression of these patterns as related dysfunctions increase in severity.

Neospinothalamic and paleospinothalamic dysfunctions are two of the most common nocioceptive dysfunctions. Learn the neurological pathway, fiber type, neurotransmitter, inhibition pattern, as well as proper, opposite, and anti stimulus for each of these receptors. See examples of multiple neo and paleo patterns, including both basic/multi mode as well as hyper mode level dysfunctions.

Impact paleos dysfunctions are unique in that they are located inside of the actual joint. These can be extremely damaging to force transmission and make profound changes when properly assessed and treated in patients. Learn how to assess all distal joints as well as all regions of the spine for impact paleos. See multiple examples from start to finish, including both shoulder and spine impact paleo dysfunctions and corrections.


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Kimberly Limon
Kimberly Limon
P-DTR Foundation Course Highlights Module 1 Part 6
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